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Consultants Should Use Business Cards

5 Reasons Why Consultants Still Need Business Cards In A Digital World

by constructaquote - 10 May 2017


Business cards may appear outdated in a world of digital innovation and social media. However, there’s several reasons why physical business cards can still offer you clear advantages over their digital counterparts.

Here’s 5 reasons why you need to invest in printed business cards for your consultancy business… 

  1. It’s a more personal way of connecting

For consultants, networking is an essential way of forming business relationships and introducing your services to potential clients. Handing out your business cards and receiving others in return is still the conventional method of introduction at networking events. Many people find connecting via digital devices impersonal and there’s nothing more off-putting than being the only one in the room glued to your smartphone. Swapping business cards following a genuine conversation with another professional is a natural and logical progression. It could be the first step to gaining yourself a new client or establishing a mutually beneficial business relationship.

  1. A creative business card makes you memorable

In the same way that it’s important to be prepared with your business card at networking events, the actual design of your card forms first impressions too. A great business card should obviously contain your necessary contact information in a concise format. However, most importantly, your business card should reflect your brand and ensure your consultancy business stands out from the crowd. A creative business card is memorable, whether it’s a different colour, shape or material than the norm. If you’re aiming to make business connections with key people in your industry, you don’t want your business card to be lost under piles of office papers. Handing a unique business card to a connection at a networking event can even promote further conversation about your work as a consultant. Make your business card design unforgettable and you’ll set yourself apart from your competition. 

  1. Business cards are always accessible, unlike digital devices

It only takes a poor Wi-Fi signal or a dead iPhone battery to halt connecting with a prospective client. Digital means of connecting are never 100% reliable, but tangible business cards are. As a consultant, you never know when and where you’re going to meet a potential business connection. By always carrying your business cards, you’ll show you’re professional and prepared and you won’t miss an opportunity to promote yourself. Wherever you are, you can hand over your business card, without having to swap online usernames or complicated profile links. Overall, your business card can offer you a faster and more convenient way to make those essential professional connections.

  1. It’s the expected practice in some business cultures

If you’re hoping to grow your consultancy business abroad, it’s essential you’re aware of the expected business customs. For example, the business culture in Hong Kong requires that you always respond with your own business card if you’re given one by a connection. Failure to produce your business card in such circumstances would look extremely unprofessional and may halt any chance you have of forming business relationships outside of the UK. The same is true for Japan, where your business is often judged by the look and quality of your business card. Therefore, designing business cards which reflect your high standards and having them available at all times, could be essential to your success in different business cultures.

  1. You can merge your business card with digital methods of connecting

In this digital age, it’s possible to combine the benefits of a physical business card with high-tech digital methods of connecting. Invest in business cards featuring a QR code for the best of both worlds. This will allow you to present your paper business card in the usual manner, with the added advantages of digital features. QR code business cards offer business connections the opportunity to scan the QR code on your card and quickly access your website, email or other business information you want to share. This is an especially innovative way for web based consultants to share their contact information and is a more original and memorable version of a standard business card.

Building genuine business connections doesn’t stop with merely handing out your business cards. Following up with a potential professional connection is one area where digital methods of communication are often essential. If your initial business connection progresses, you may need to devise a powerful email pitch to further explain your business or seek investment.

Check out our article on how to write a hard-hitting, professional elevator pitch.
